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Posted August 22nd, 2009


When I went for a walk the other day, I was knocked out of my complacency. Scarcely more than a week earlier I had been basking in an extended heat wave, swimming in the lake by my house almost daily. It was an idyllic Yukon summer. The weather inevitably turned but the sun and warmth had been a recurring phenomenon this season and I anticipated another encore. But now, after several days of cool, wet conditions that seem to have settled in, the distinctive, musty scent of autumn stings my nostrils. In spite of the dampness, the ground crunches under my feet and aspen leaves rattle dryly in the wind. Granted, the aspens have not yet turned colour and their premature desiccation and shedding undoubtedly has much to do with the ravages of leaf miners and weeks of summer drought. Still, splashes of crimson and yellow erupting from the ground cover make it impossible to deny, our summer is over.
Pentax K10D, Kiron 105mm f/2.8 macro @ f/13