A Sign of Spring
Our weather has not been particularly warm for late March so there has been little melting of the snow and things still look quite wintery. Hence, when I came across these bursting pussy willows I guess it had an impact on my psyche and I feel compelled to share them as a feature photo.
Focussed close at full 1:1 macro, there was insufficient depth of field even at a small aperture to capture the entire pussy in sharp focus and very small apertures produced enough definition in out-of-focus background elements to create a busy, distracting background. Thus, I created this image by combining three separate exposures using “photomerge” in Photoshop and masking the layers to show the part I wanted from each. Two exposures taken at f/19 with slightly different focus provided sharpness in the outline and in the closer central area of the pussy while another shot at f/11 contributed the soft background.
Pentax K10D, Sigma 70mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro