Winter Again
Winter comes early to this part of the country and, as of October 17th, it looks like it has settled in again for the next six months. The snow and cold temperatures held off a week or two longer than I often have seen at my home and that gave me more time to lay in plenty of firewood and otherwise prepare well for the long, cold months ahead. Meanwhile, my camera sat idle for a few weeks while all my energy went into the heavy autumn chores. With the arrival of the snow, when some people would be putting their cameras away, I am shooting ... and Photoshopping ... again. This close-up scene had more depth than could be captured sharply in a single exposure so I made separate exposures focused on the rosehip and on the foreground plants respectively, then combined them in Photoshop.
Pentax K10D, Tamron AF 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 DiII LD IF Macro @ 155mm, f/16